First and foremost, I would like to thank God,
for giving me another chance over 50 years ago, and to tell him how much I love him.
This life is a fragile gift which can be gone in an instant as mine nearly was.

I want to thank my wife of 30 years, Dahna,
without her this album never would have materialized. She is the love and the light in my life, and I owe it all to her, and I mean everything. It is so very rare to be given a chance at true love, and Dahna has given me just that: a true and perfect love which knows no end and has blessed me so much.
There are litany of people I would like to thank, but it would take several more pages. So, in no specific order, here they are:
Bobby Bragg, Greg Johnston, Blitz Brother Richard Livoni, and all of the guys in Ghost Blues Band.
Another heartfelt thanks to my dearest of dear friends for more than 50 years; Bryn and Sally Haworth, Lee and Maureen Sklar, all the Wolfgang band members living or not, Ralph and Jean Miller, Tess and Tom Kelly, and my dearly departed brothers and closest of friends and bandmates in The BigBux Band: Bruce Gary and Fred Schwartz.
Lastly on this too short of a list, Dennis Dragon.
I could go on and on for hours, but hey! if you are reading this, and there’s still some fuel in the tank, you know very well who you are, right?
Big love, always…. Randy
Technical Notes
The recorder was a TEAC 3340 4-track ¼ inch tape.
There was no fancy eq or anything else in the recording techniques. The microphone was a Sony Condenser that is battery powered, and again nothing fancy. The interface was a rudimentary board of 8 in and 4 out variety. I do not recall if it was a brand named piece or just built from scratch by some clever guy with a soldering iron.
These tracks, save the piano piece, were all recorded in my kitchen at Chico’s Organic Farm between 1972 and 1974.
All of these tapes were lost for over 40 years until there was a flood at our home involving he storage area we built in the “crawl space” were the furnace and water softener are. The soaking wet tapes were given to my dearest friend and studio genius Blitz Brother Richard Livoni.
What he did was completely a miracle as anyone else would say to just throw them away. After air drying a few days, we put them in an oven set to 125 degrees for 12 hours. Once they cool down to room temperature, we carefully digitized each tape cleaning the tape heads after every pass. Once properly digitized, Richard did his magic and made everything sound as good as possible.
I cannot thank you enough Richard. And he has such great ears!